Thursday, 4 March 2010

The Whitechapel Gallery

I went to visit the Whitechapel Gallery this week with view to potentially use it for a creative forum type event. Unfortunately the main space was too small but it was such a treat to go around the gallery in private. When we walked into this room I was not sure if it was an installation or not - maybe I'd stumbled into the United Nations HQ. The tapestry is in fact the life size tapestry of Picasso's Guernica, his anti fascist message. Rockefeller who commissioned the tapestry donated it to the United Nations HQ where it has hung ever since as an anti war message. The blue curtain you see represents the curtain that was drawn across the tapestry when Colm Powell gave his infamous speech about WMD in Iraq. The round table is offered to anyone to use free of charge for meetings / debates whatever and the only requirement is that the discussion is recorded. These recordings are then collated and will make up a wider part of Goshka's exhibition. I thought this was a really lovely idea and now just need to think of a reason to get a few people together for a chat.

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