Monday 1 March 2010

home is where the heart is

February 14th - Valentine's Day. Woken to the beautiful sight of these Gran Prix Roses. Romance well and truly alive at my house on that day.

Slightly overwhelmed and in awe of my beautiful new gift I proceeded to spend hours arranging, smelling and photographing them. Which was then I started thinking about people's bedside tables and what they say about them. I always remember my dad's - piled high with intellectual books and a chocolate parrot in a plastic cage that my brothers and I bought him one Birthday and that he refused to eat. For year's we'd beg him to open it (possibly chocolate would have gone off by then) but he's never relent. Looking back what do I think this says about him? He's as stubborn as a mule for sure but he's also a sensitive soul - it just takes a while to break through the layer to the soft centre.

Here's mine.........not sure I should start to analyse myself but on a very superficial level I love the beautiful things in life

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